Our name, Apna Haq, means ‘Our right’ in Urdu

We are here for you

We help women and girls from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities who are living in Rotherham to escape violence, including domestic violence.

You are not alone

Our team are from black and minority ethnic communities too. We will help you to transition to a safe, independent, and violence-free life.

We will help you heal

No matter what type of violence you are experiencing, we will support you long-term to heal from the trauma and change your situation.

Contact us today

You can reach us by telephone, WhatsApp or email. Or leave a message on our contact form and we’ll get back to you.

Can you help?

As a registered charity, we rely on donations and funding to continue our work in Rotherham. Please consider donating to help women and girls to escape violence.

If you are in danger, please phone 999.